I desire to participate in a Design Class (“Class”) offered, operated, or directed by Le Jardin Francais, Inc. (“Le Jardin Francais)”). The Class may occur in whole or in part at one or more facilities (“Facility”) owned, leased, operated, or managed by Le Jardin Francais. The Class may involve, without limitation, cutting, trimming, and use of native foliage, and other floral designing activities (“Activities”) with or without supervision of Le Jardin Francais or any of its employees, contractors, volunteers, or personnel (“Personnel”). I understand that some of these Activities and the use of knives, scissors, or other floral designing tools (“Tools”) or equipment (“Equipment”) poses inherent risks. With full knowledge and understanding of these risks, and in consideration of my use of the facilities, the use of the tools or any activities in the Class, I acknowledge and agree as follows: I acknowledge that participation in any Class, use of any Facility, use of any Tool and receipt of any services provided by any Personnel subjects me to risks of personal injury from various causes, including but not limited to slip and fall; cutting; pricking with thorns, spines, or prickles; burning; dropped items; the use of tools and equipment; negligence of others; or other causes and accidents not specified herein, whether or not foreseeable. I also acknowledge the risk that my personal property left unattended may be damaged, lost or stolen while I am participating in Class. I understand and acknowledge that the above list is not inclusive of all the possible risks to which I will be subject during Class and in using a Facility and that the list in no way limits the extent or reach of this Express Assumption of Risk, Waiver of Liability, or any provision of this Agreement. I accept responsibility for the care of the tools, equipment, and any material provided to me during the Class and agree to be responsible for the replacement at full value of any tool or equipment that I do not return or that I return in damaged condition. I am capable of examining and assessing all tools and equipment that I use. If damage occurs to tools or equipment belonging to Le Jardin Francais while I am using it, I will promptly bring it to the attention of appropriate Personnel. I certify that I am in proper physical and mental condition to participate in Class and that I have no physical limitations that would preclude my safely using a Facility and participating in Class with the risks assumed. I agree to abide by all rules communicated to me. I agree to comply with requests and instructions of all Personnel. In the event of an accident or if by any other cause I am in need of medical treatment and am unable to consent to or arrange for such treatment, I consent to the administration of any medical treatment deemed necessary to my transfer to any medical facility or hospital reasonably accessible. This authorization includes permission for emergency medical transportation to the nearest medical facility for additional medical treatment. I understand and agree that Le Jardin Français and employees do not assume responsibility for any injury or damage which might arise out of or in connection with such authorized emergency medical treatment. I hereby grant to Le Jardin Francais, and Le Jardin Francais reserves the right to use for promotional purposes, any photographs or video taken at the Facilities or during any Activity. Such images may be used in Le Jardin Francais’s brochures, posters, website, Facebook page, Instagram account or other promotional materials without liability or payment.